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Automatic Soft Packaging Items Sorting Robot


  • Trained Fast-RCNN network using MMDetection framework to detect the color and location of clothes.
  • Carried out kinematics simulation on puma-560 robot and trajectory planning of the manipulator arm using Matlab Robotics Toolbox.
  • Established communication between Python and Matlab program to run the clothing detection and the motion of the simulated robot synchronously.

RF-Signal-based Human Pose Estimation


  • Applied Radio Frequency (RF) signals for human pose estimation; succeeded in operation in dark light and passing through obstacles while being more sensitive to biological characteristics.

Gomoku Player using EFORT Robotic Arm


  • Programmed a robotic arm that could play Gomoku with human interactively.
  • Retrieved global information through camera-on-hand, deployed template matching to locate the pieces on board; mapped between the physical locations and the logical position on virtual grid board.
  • Integrated a Game Theory based AI into the host computer to handle vision information, location mapping and decision process, which communicates with the robot through socket.

Personal Cloud Service


I built a personal cloud service at home, covering everything from hardware to software. It offers VPN connectivity, file storage, media services, and an ML computing node, among other functionalities.

Heterogenous Cooperative Robot System Design


  • Designed a group of cooperative robots for supermarket replenishment in Webots simulation, which is made up of DJI Mavic Pro and KUKA Youbot.
  • Developed a Quadcopter flight controller for DJI Mavic, which also supervises and schedules the replenishment process; then developed the mobile arm (KUKA Youbot) controller for navigation, which will grab and place the items under the guidance of DJI Mavic. The two robots communicate through HTTP interface.

Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF)


  • Established physical simulation on Webots and implemented PID controller for robot trajectory tracking.
  • Proposed an improved bi-directional A* to avoid potential collision caused by imperfect controller trajectory, and a centralized two-stage Conflict-Based Search(CBS) algorithm to complete the lifelong MAPF task.

Partial Duplicate Video Retrieval based on Deep Metric Learning


  • Extracted video feature through VGG-16 backbone network and applied Deep Metric Learning (DML) for video similarity calculation.
  • Proposed a video segmentation method based on the above extracted video feature using a DNN model, which can effectively segment different scenes in a long video.
  • Developed a multi-thread downloader for efficiently downloading the large CC_WEB_VIDEO dataset and built a segmentation dataset from Bilibili and Youtube, which contains 36,600 samples.

Action Evaluation Based on Monocular RGB Video


  • Introduced new metrics for video pose evaluation and realized action counting for gym actions.
  • Deployed OpenPose and ST-GCN for human pose estimation and action recognition.
  • Designed an action segmentation method based on keyframe extraction and clustering (PCA & K-means).
  • Proposed a weak-rigid transformation for pose registration and defined a pose feature descriptor.


Paper Title Number 4

Published in GitHub Journal of Bugs, 2024

This paper is about fixing template issue #693.

Recommended citation: Your Name, You. (2024). "Paper Title Number 3." GitHub Journal of Bugs. 1(3).
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Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 3

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.